Sunday 13 October 2024

Late September

21st September

Another early start at Petworth for a check of the reservoir there as it's been on a bit of a roll recently. This morning proved to be a bit of a quiet one though, with just a single Wigeon of note among the assembled wildfowl on the water and a couple of flyover Yellow Wagtails. A scan of the South Brooks from the tea terrace at Pulborough proved even more quiet, not helped by the thick fog which was slow to clear.

Pulborough fog!
A look at Southlands Farm on my way to Knepp late afternoon produced a Green Sandpiper and eight Shoveler on the pool there. Continuing the Shoveler theme, eleven flew north over the Southern Block during my dusk safari at Knepp this evening. 

22nd September

Not much time for birding today as I had a packed day of morning and afternoon safaris and a staff party at Knepp. A brief look at Waltham Brooks on the way to Knepp produced a light easterly movement of Swallows but little else of note. 

23rd September

WeBs count a day late today, so I headed over to Petworth in the rain. A drake Pochard was on the reservoir among the usual Tufted Ducks, Mallards, Little Grebes and three Shoveler, while the lingering Common Sandpiper was still patrolling the shoreline. A first-winter Common Gull almost dropped in briefly before flying off east. 

A lunchtime walk round the local farmland produced a modest 27 species but did include my first local Willow Warbler for almost two weeks plus at least one Hobby (one flew high east, then a bit later a juvenile was hawking over Lodge Hill which may have been a second bird but hard to be sure). A light south/south-westerly passage of Herring Gulls included two adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls. 

24th September

After dropping B off at nursery I stopped off in Pulborough for a walk down to the North Brooks. Straight away it was clear there were a lot more ducks about than on my last visit, as a female Marsh Harrier flushed some 400 or more from the wet grassland on the north side of the North Brooks. These were mostly Mallard and Teal but with at least 10-15 Wigeon and a single Gadwall among them. Another 250 or more Teal were on the North Brooks proper along with two juvenile Ruff among ~120 Lapwing.

Ruff and Teal
Late afternoon I dropped in at Petworth again. The lingering Common Sandpiper was still about - will it stay into October? A female Pochard was sleeping among the Tufted Ducks and three Shoveler were still present. I haven't seen many hirundines locally for a couple of days, so it was a pleasant surprise to see some 150 or so drifting gently east during my hour here, mostly House Martins. 

25th September

I managed my first proper little vismig watch of the season this morning, albeit only 25 minutes (it was a year ago yesterday that I broke and dislocated my shoulder in a skateboarding accident and am feeling strangely nostalgic about the amount of time it afforded me to get out and enjoy the spectacle of visible migration at this time of year!) The main movers this morning were House Martins, with some 226 south/south-west over the garden in the aforementioned half hour. 
In a repeat performance of yesterday I again headed over to Petworth in the afternoon for a check of the reservoir. A Golden Plover called overhead as I arrived (though I never did manage to see it!). Other highlights were seven Pochard among the usual suspects on the water and a dark-masked first-winter Herring Gull which did have me trying to turn it into a Yellow-legged.
Herring Gull
26th September

An early walk from home out to Waltham Brooks proved relatively quiet aside from a Marsh Harrier flying upriver, two Stonechats and a rather late Whitethroat in the meadow, and a light trickle of House Martins flying east/south-east. 

Late afternoon, with some lively showers moving through, I again headed over to Petworth. A juvenile Great Crested Grebe was back on the reservoir along with 30 Little Grebes, five Pochards, four Shoveler and the usual scattering of Coots and Tufted Ducks. A first-winter Common Gull flew south/south-east, while a few Swallows and a single House Martin flew north-west.
Egyptian Geese
Grey Wagtail
27th September

A little tour of some wetland sites out to the western side of my patch area in the rain first thing today. At Petworth, some 360 Canada Geese and 150 Egyptian Geese left roost at the reservoir, leaving behind the four Shoveler again and a couple of Pochard. Next up, a brief scan of Burton Mill Pond from the roadside, which proved fairly lively, mostly in terms of vismig, with at least 52 Swallows through west/north-west in the 25 minutes or so I was there. Water Rail is pretty much guaranteed here most visits but usually heard only, so I got a bit of a shock when one suddenly appeared from underneath the boat jetty where I was stood and flew into the reeds nearby!
Mute Swans
The scrape at Bignor Park is again holding water for the first time since May. Just eight Mallards on it this morning but it's good to know it's worth checking again in passing. 

Early afternoon I headed out for a stroll round the local fields. By now the cloud cover and breeze had increased quite a bit and it was feeling considerably more autumnal, and this was reflected in the birds. Some 80 or more hirundines (roughly 3/1 House Martin/Swallow) were moving through or lingering to feed among the cattle, sometimes whizzing past just a few metres from me. Continuing the vismig theme, two Marsh Harriers flew south together over Waltham Brooks, a tight flock of large gulls high south seemed to be all Lesser Black-backed Gulls, and a heard-only Siskin heading south-west represented my first record locally for several weeks. A little flurry of passerines in the hedgerow nearest the Waltham Brooks boundary included at least ten Chiffchaffs and a single Goldcrest but sadly nothing rarer.
House Martin
Lesser Black-backed Gulls
28th September

Very little birding today as I was leading back-to-back beaver pen safaris at Knepp. A quick glance at the pool at Southlands Farm on the way past produced eight Shoveler and three Teal but little else.
Southlands Farm
It was an absolute beauty of a morning but really quite cold, with proper ice on the windscreen. Clearly it was lively on the vismig front judging by messages in various WhatsApp groups and this was well illustrated by a Skylark over the beaver enclosure at Knepp - not a common bird here. A Redstart was also a nice bonus flying in front of the off road vehicle a couple of times as I was driving the group around. 

29th September

I was up Amberley Mount at first light this morning in the hope of some success from my first proper vismig session of the autumn. Two hours up here proved to be fairly lively, with waves of hirundines coming through, making up the bulk of the birds. There were little nuggets of interest from other species throughout to pique the interest though, including a Hawfinch flying east, two Golden Plover south-west, a juvenile Mute Swan high south-west over Bury Hill and, most frustratingly, what I'm pretty sure were two Commic Terns high north/north-east but which I got on too late to get any salient features. The absolute worst feeling in birding: when you know you've potentially got a good bird in view but it sails away from you before you can clinch the ID!
Dawn up Amberley Mount
30th September

A wet start to the day. After dropping B at nursery I headed over to Pulborough for a look at the North Brooks. The water levels were quite a bit higher than my last visit, with not much in the way of muddy margins for waders. Four Snipe and around ten Lapwing were the best of the bunch on the deck, although I did also flush a Green Sandpiper from a ditch halfway along the public right of way back to the village. I also heard a Golden Plover calling but couldn't see it, presumably just a flyover. Duck numbers continue to rise, with somewhere in the region of 450 Teal this morning, with nine Shoveler and two Wigeon among them.

Saturday 20 April 2024


11th April

Just brief bits of birding today as I was back at my desk after a week off. An early walk out from home proved very rewarding though, with two 'new in' singing male Nightingales setting the tone for what turned into a great hour or so session. There had clearly been an arrival of Sedge Warblers overnight, with at least six singing males around the reserve at Waltham Brooks. Other bits of note here included singing Cuckoo, Willow Warbler and two male Tufted Ducks on the main lake. Best of all though, as I left the reserve and headed back out across the fields towards home I heard the unmistakable sound of a reeling Grasshopper Warbler in a bramble clump a short distance west of Coldwaltham sewage works. A 10km and 1km area year tick and a first for the local hotspot, it was also the first singing male I have found for a few years. Clearly there has been a pretty huge arrival of this species in recent days, with birds turning up all over the place (five already in Surrey this month, which is remarkable really).
Later in the morning I checked the scrape over at Hadworth/Bignor Park which held another new Willow Warbler, four Tufted Duck, and a couple of House Martins feeding in among at least eight Sand Martins. 

12th April

Another early start this morning and it was already pleasantly mild as I headed out just before 06:00. There was sadly no sign of yesterday's Gropper, unsurprisingly, but there was still plenty of song again from Cuckoo, Nightingale, Whitethroat and multiple Sedge Warblers. New for the year in the reeds at Waltham Brooks was a rather hesitant Reed Warbler.
Sunrise at Waltham Brooks
As it turned into a beautiful spring day, I couldn't resist getting out again in my lunch break. First up I checked the scrape at Bignor/Hadworth which is rapidly drying up now it's finally stopped raining. The long-staying Green Sandpiper seems to have finally departed as do the deep water birds such as Tufted Duck. A pair of Teal were still present along with a single drake Gadwall. 

A stroll round the woodland at nearby Waltham Park was very pleasant but relatively unremarkable on the bird side of things, aside from eight Redpolls and a Raven flying over. In the now warm sunshine, however, invertebrates were much in evidence including Tawny Mining Bee, various bumblebee species and lots of butterflies including Peacock, Red Admiral, Brimstone and Orange-tip (including my first female of the year). A Holly Blue was also enjoying the Ceanothus in our garden when I got home.
Holly Blue
Late afternoon I received a message from Chris and Juliet Moore alerting me to a beautiful male Pied Flycatcher they had just found at Black Wood at Pulborough Brooks. Once I had finished work I dashed over and was very pleased to catch up with the bird still flitting about in the pines there, at times elusive but typically posing well from time to time. After spending an enjoyable half hour with the bird I made my way down to Hail's View to check out some of the waders on offer on the South Brooks including my first local Grey Plover of the year, two Ruff, at least 20 Black-tailed Godwits - many looking resplendent in their breeding plumage - and a heard-only Little Ringed Plover. 
Pied Flycatcher
13th April

A tour of a few water bodies this morning. First up, the reservoir near Petworth which was quiet aside from a couple of Swallows. Burton Mill Pond proved rather more lively with highlights of Kingfisher, Woodlark, 50 Tufted Duck, Gadwall, two Red-legged Partridge and a 'singing' Water Rail). Finally, the scrape at Bignor Park which continued hosting the Green Sandpiper but also two each of Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Teal and Little Egret, and five each of Swallow and Sand Martin. 

The best of the bunch from a late morning session at Pulborough (tea terrace/visitor centre area only), meanwhile, were six Avocet, a single Ruff and a singing Nightingale.

14th April

An early session at Pulborough Brooks this morning with Steve Baines produced 63 species including my first local Ringed Plover (4) and Common Sandpiper (2) of the year among the usual breeding waders - three pairs of Avocet again on the South Brooks, multiple Lapwings and Redshanks and a heard-only Oystercatcher. There were still three Snipe kicking about too, including one flying low over the Hanger viewpoint. A flock of 24 Mediterranean Gulls north over the South Brooks was quite an impressive sight, sadly a bit too far away for us to hear them! Nightingales were much in evidence and making themselves heard as were multiple Sedge Warblers and a couple each of Whitethroat and Willow Warbler.
Mid-afternoon I again met up with Steve B and Paul D for a walk up at The Burgh. All the usual species were much in evidence including at least half a dozen pairs of Lapwing, 15 Red Kite, 20+ Skylarks and a few Yellowhammers. Bird of the afternoon though was a ringtail Hen Harrier quartering the fields near the dew pond. 

15th April

A classic April day of spells of very pleasant sunshine interspersed with some very squally showers, sometimes with added hail! A check of Bignor Park scrape before work produced the lingering Green Sandpiper again, while at the River Rother in Fittleworth I found a Swallow, singing Whitethroat and a flyover Little Egret. There was also a pair of Mallard with ducklings, with a Grey Heron in tow...

A brief check of Amberley en route to Woods Mill yielded another single Swallow and a pair of Egyptian Geese with eight young. Duck numbers are still fairly high here with minima of 90 Shoveler and 80 Teal, plus smaller numbers of Wigeon and a pair of Pintail. 

A lunchtime walk in the sunshine at Woods Mill produced only my second Reed Warbler of the year and my first Lesser Whitethroat of the year plus a pair of Common Whitethroat. 

After work I stopped off at Pulborough briefly which was unbirdable in high winds and heavy rain. Just a few minutes down the road though, I found Waltham Brooks bathed in pleasant sunshine, the rain and wind having already moved through here. A 25-minute whizz round near the lake and roadside scrub produced a Nightingale singing near the railway, two each of Swallow and Sand Martin, three Sedge Warbler, and three Tufted Duck on the lake. 

16th April

A leisurely check of Hadworth Farm and Burton Mill Pond before work took a wholly unexpected turn when news broke of a drake Green-winged Teal on the North Brooks at Pulborough, found by young RSPB volunteer Toby Stapleton. A bird I had always dreamed of finding there (or elsewhere locally), the first in the Arun Valley for 19 years, and in fact a UK tick for me. There was no way I was going to miss this! Luckily I had a bit of a window of opportunity so dashed straight over and soon joined Toby himself and Marc Read at Jupp's View where we enjoyed good views of the bird swimming about in the open with a few Eurasian Teal and Shoveler. 
Green-winged Teal
Other bits of note from my hour on the reserve this morning included four Avocet, two Black-tailed Godwit and singles of Ruff, Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. 

A brief lunchtime walk round the local farm fields proved fairly quiet aside from four Swallows whizzing around near the stables - the first proper little flock I've seen back in the 1k area this year. 

17th April

I was down in Brighton for a work event for most of today but did manage a quick hour out in the 1k before I left. Waltham Brooks was relatively quiet aside from a couple of Nightingales and at least six singing Sedge Warblers. A pair of Shoveler were still around on the lake along with four Gadwall and three Tufted Duck. I wonder if one or more of these species will attempt to breed here again this year after last year's successful Shoveler breeding. The bird of the session here though was a Barn Owl which cruised through the main grassland area of the site and off towards Greatham Bridge. Always nice to get a surprise dawn Barn Owl!
Barn Owl
Bird of the morning though, was reserved for the very smart male Redstart in one of the paddocks on River Lane - in fact the very same paddock I saw a male in on 12th April last year. Redstart can be a tricky bird to encounter round here in the spring so I made sure to relish the moment. Having grown up close to some major heathland sites, it's all too easy to take them for granted, but they really are one of the best looking spring migrants, for my money. 
18th April

Another check of the fields near home this morning failed to turn up any more migrant surprises, though it was nice to see several Swallows about, including one back on its favourite perched on a telegraph wire a stone's throw from home.
A brief look at Amberley Mount on the way to Woods Mill proved similarly quiet, two Common Gull flying north indicative of the fact that we are not quite free from more wintry species just yet, and the keen north wind a good reminder of the same! Other bits up here included an immature Peregrine which flew north-west and a Kestrel checking out a nest box at Downs Farm.

Despite the cold wind on the Downs, by lunchtime it had turned into a glorious spring day and a lunch break stroll at Woods Mill was almost more notable for the butterflies than birds. A Siskin flying north-east as a Lesser Whitethroat rattled in a nearby hedgerow was an interesting clash of seasonal sounds. Brimstone, Holly Blue, Orange-tip, Peacock, Comma and a White (probably Green-veined White) were all noted on the wing. 
Holly Blue
A check of the scrape at Bignor on the way home revealed the water level to have dropped considerably since I last checked in here earlier in the week. I couldn't find the Green Sandpiper (or any other waders for that matter) but it was great to see some 25 Swallows flying about and generally being very vocal, with a couple of Sand Martins and House Martins mixed in with them. 

19th April

An early check of a few local sites proved reasonably fruitful. At the private reservoir near Petworth I found two Common Sandpipers and a single Little Ringed Plover - my first proper little 'fall' of waders here this year. The intriguing mixed singing Willow Warbler was still present and singing away, still seemingly yet to attract a mate. A scan of Burton Mill Pond from the northern shore yielded usual bits, although new in was my first Reed Warbler of the year at this site and only my second anywhere in my local recording area. Finally, the scrape at Bignor which is now rapidly drying up to just a muddy puddle but which today produced the birds of the morning: a group of three Tree Pipits flying north-west overhead, qiuite high but calling. 
Willow Warbler
En route to a work event in East Sussex I stopped for a short while at Waltham Brooks which I found to be teeming with hirundines, the bulk of which were Sand Martins (some 150 or so) and a few House Martins and the odd Swallow. 

20th April

A very early start this morning for the first Knepp dawn safari of the year. Nightingales were in fine voice as were multiple Lesser Whitethroats and my first Garden Warbler of the year. 

Wednesday 10 April 2024

All change

1st April

And so, perhaps the most frenetic month of the birding calendar begins again. I opted for a fairly leisurely start today, mainly as I slept through my alarm (still adjusting to the clock change and shaking off the dregs of a nasty cold). Walking from home out to Waltham Brooks it was clear there were more Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps around than I've heard so far this spring. A check of the sewage works produced an all too brief glimpse of a female type Black Redstart perched on the railings by one of the sewage pans. I decided to walk around to the other side, by the gate, to get a better view. Sadly I wasn't able to relocate the bird, despite a fairly extensive search. Still, my second record of one at this location in the past eighteen months, and a welcome year tick, however fleeting. Other bits of note from the reserve this morning included two Swallows, a male Stonechat, a Blackbird nest building and a Little Egret and three Grey Herons flying over (one of the latter carrying nest material - heading towards Amberley).

Grey Herons
Later in the day, with some fairly lively showers moving through, I checked out some favourite 'wet spots' in the hope of finding some goodies. The long staying Green Sandpiper continued at the scrape at Hadworth Farm/Bignor Park, while the Rother at Fittleworth held a couple of Little Egrets and a flyover Swallow. Hirundine movement had clearly stepped up a gear in the south-westerly today as I also had four Sand Martins through at Hadworth Farm and six Swallows and a dozen Sand Martins at the private reservoir near Petworth. Two vocal Swallows flew around over home in the evening, perhaps local birds returning to territory.

2nd April

I was at Goodwood for a work meeting this morning so stopped off for a walk at The Burgh on the way. Despite spells of bright sunshine it was feeling rather chilly in the brisk south-westerly. I hopefully scanned every paddock and field I passed for Wheatear or Ring Ouzel but it didn't actually feel particularly spring-like for the most part, aside from a singing Blackcap and a couple of Chiffchaffs at the copse just east of Canada Barn. Here I also heard a couple of soft drumming sounds which I am fairly sure was a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, although frustratingly I never managed to find the bird in questions and also accidentally deleted the sound file on my digital recorder which was running at the time. One of those days! Other bits of note up here were a couple of Red Kites, two Lapwings and three Red-legged Partridges.

The Burgh
After a very enjoyable tour of Goodwood which included multiple Buzzards and Red Kites up in the sunshine, a few Red-legged Partridges and a Raven, I stopped for my lunch break at the private reservoir near Petworth which held four Shoveler but little else of any real note. The scrape at Hadworth Farm/Bignor was still hosting the long-staying Green Sandpiper as well as at least three Swallows and a dozen Sand Martins feeding overhead. 

3rd April

A brief look at Pulborough Brooks before work proved a worthwhile choice, as Chris and Juliet Moore had just found a Little Gull on the South Brooks. I headed to Hail's View and Black Wood from where I got a brief view of the adult Little Gull in flight, heading towards the river where I lost sight of it. Also out here in pretty unpleasant conditions were a single Swallow among at least six Sand Martins, a Marsh Harrier and at least ten Tufted Ducks. 44 species in as many minutes. 

I had to go over to Rotherfield in East Sussex for a work meeting later in the morning where I enjoyed hearing a couple of singing Marsh Tits. 

A lunchtime walk at Woods Mill was largely quiet aside from a couple of Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs, the cold and blustery wind evidently keeping most birds heads down. Similarly, a brief walk at Downs Farm in Amberley after work proved to be a quiet affair with little of note and nothing at all in the way of spring migrants. 

4th April

The first day of a two day Norfolk trip with the Knepp crew, starting with a tour of the new site recently acquired by Nattergal - High Fen near King's Lynn.

A couple of hours walking around here being led by some of the team at Nattergal produced 47 species including two Common Crane, a pair of Goosander, single Great White Egret, Redshank and multiple Marsh Harriers (at least five). It will be very interesting to see how the planned re-wetting approach to the land management here turns what is clearly already a pretty wildlife-rich site into something even more spectacular.
Great White Egret
Common Crane
5th April

This morning we left King's Lynn and headed on to Wild Ken Hill near Snettisham, where we received a warm welcome and introductions from some of the team before heading out on a tour of the site. It was fascinating to see this 'three-pronged approach' to landscape recovery, with a chunk of wild grazed wilding land sandwiched between areas of the estate dedicated to regenerative agriculture and more traditional wet grassland conservation with a focus on breeding waders. The bird species diversity spoke volumes about the richness of the habitat mosaic on offer, with highlights including a pair of Woodlark, multiple Red Kites, Shelducks, a singing Willow Warbler, pair of Oystercatcher, some 40 or so Curlew grazing in the field near the entrance, as well as multiple Brown Hares dotted around the place. Another site, like High Fen, that I hope to visit again in a few years' time to see how they are getting on, but I was very impressed on my first visit. 
On our way home we decided to all stop off at Weeting Heath, a Norfolk Wildlife Trust reserve where I saw my first ever Stone-curlews many years ago, but haven't visited for years. We were told at the visitor that seven Stone-curlews had been showing well this morning but had all gone to ground since lunchtime. We decided to give it a go anyway and were very pleased to enjoy fab views of four birds within a relatively short time of entering the hide. It was great to see a bit of display between a pair. A nice bonus as we were leaving was a Holly Blue on the entrance track - a joint first of the year for everyone present!
Holly Blue
6th April

An early start this morning and the promised arrival of Storm Kathleen delivered the forecast very mild but very windy conditions from the outset. I headed out on foot in the direction of Waltham Brooks, although with a slight diversion to check out the fields along River Lane near home. I had only got halfway down River Lane before I heard an unmistakable sound coming from beyond the tree line ahead of me, towards Thorndale Bridge. Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo. Could it really be? As the wind abated momentarily my suspicions were confirmed - my earliest ever Cuckoo in the UK (by three days). It was still singing as I made my way around to the entrance to Waltham Brooks nearest the sewage works, although I never actually laid eyes on it. The Cuckoo aside, Waltham Brooks was actually rather quiet, aside from a very vocal Sedge Warbler in brambles near the main lake. A few Shoveler and a single drake Gadwall were around on the lake, as well as a heard-only Little Grebe. 

7th April

Today began with a Peregrine drifting over the garden at dawn as I was heading out for a check of a few local sites. First up, WeBS count at the private reservoir near Petworth which was very quiet on the waterbird front aside from seven Tufted Ducks and a pair of Little Grebes. The lingering mixed singing 'Willow Chiff' was still present and singing nearby. An intriguing bird this, as presumably the same individual was present through the breeding season last year but I wasn't able to confirm breeding. It will be interesting to see if it lingers again this year. 
A brief stop near Coultershaw Bridge yielded 16 Little Egrets in the flooded field here. Next up was Burton Mill Pond for my first proper session here for a few weeks. 54 species was the total, with highlights including a singing Willow Warbler, four drake Mandarin, 50 Tufted Duck and a mixed hirundine flock over Chingford Pond which included my first two House Martins of the year among some 25 Sand Martin and at least three Swallows. 

On the way home I stopped to scan the scrape at Hadworth Farm/Bignor Park which proved reasonably lively. The long-staying Green Sandpiper was still present, working its way around the edges, and a mixed flock of some 40 or so hirundines (mostly Sand Martin) also included a couple of House Martins. A Whitethroat briefly singing in the roadside hedge here was my first of the year. Continuing the hirundine theme, ten Sand Martins flew west over the garden late morning.
Green Sandpiper
8th April

Birthday birding today and I had booked the day off specially. After dropping B at nursery I headed over to Pulborough Brooks for my first proper session here since the Easter weekend. Highlights from 61 species included my first Nightingales of the year (2), plus good numbers of common migrant warblers including two Whitethroat, three Sedge Warbler, half a dozen Blackcaps and two Cetti's Warblers. Waders were represented by 26 Black-tailed Godwits and a single Green Sandpiper among the usual breeding Lapwings and Redshanks. One of the White-tailed Eagles was on the North Brooks, tucking into what looked like a female Teal. 
Next up, Waltham Brooks which produced 40 species including singing Cuckoo, Sedge Warbler and a couple of Whitethroats as well as small flurries of Sand Martins flying over towards Amberley (16 in total).

A relatively big walk up Amberley Mount early afternoon was largely uneventful aside from a nice pair of Wheatear at the top and a heard-only Yellow Wagtail.
The scrape at Bignor Park still held the Green Sandpiper as well as a couple of flyover Swallows. Two Red-legged Partridges were running down the road nearby. A dash over to Petworth late afternoon revealed the Long-tailed Duck to be still present.

In the evening a Nightingale was singing just down the road from home, my first in the 1k area this year. 

9th April

An early walk out to the river was scuppered by floodwater at Thorndale Bridge, so I instead did a bit of a stakeout here for a while which proved fairly quiet aside from yesterday evening's Nightingale still belting out its song nearby, plus a Cetti's Warbler. Later in the morning I headed out to check a few more local sites. At the Bignor/Hadworth Farm scrape I found the Green Sandpiper still present plus pairs of Teal and Tufted Duck. Some 30 Sand Martins were feeding overhead with at least five Swallows among them. Next I headed to Burton Mill Pond for a brief watch from the viewing platform. The breezy, overcast conditions felt good for raptors and, sure enough, a Peregrine and a Red Kite drifted overhead, but not the hoped-for Osprey. The resident Great Crested Grebe pair briefly displayed and a Cetti's Warbler was singing in the nearby reedbed. Lavington Common was my next stop, my first visit here this year. As I got out of the car I was greeted by the sounds of singing Firecrest and Woodlark, the latter the first of two singing males here today. Dartford Warbler was new for the local year list, with two birds scolding me as I passed. 

The private reservoir near Petworth was relatively quiet, with the Long-tailed Duck having gone AWOL again, leaving behind her eight Tufted Duck friends, in the company of a pair of Shoveler. Ten Swallows and half a dozen House Martins were feeding overhead. A brief look at the flooded Arun in Pulborough produced another couple of House Martins over the river, but little else of note. Finally, a check of Waltham Brooks late afternoon yielded around 30 Sand Martins and a couple of Swallows, plus singles of Whitethroat and Sedge Warbler.

10th April

Another day off today and, after a late start I dropped in at Amberley mid-morning. Amazingly, for the second time in just a few weeks, as I arrived at the viewpoint on the southern side a ringtail Hen Harrier appeared in view over Rackham Mill, circled and gained height then drift south towards the Downs. Sadly it wasn't as close as the last one back in March, so I didn't get any photos. Otherwise it was a relatively quiet hour here with just a couple each of Sand Martin and Swallow through of note plus one of the regular White-tailed Eagles.

Next up, I headed up The Burgh which provided a pretty uneventful 90 minutes, with very little sign of migrants aside from a few Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps. Ring Ouzel was certainly a species in my mind but, despite sifting carefully through an impressive number of Blackbirds (some 30 or so), I wasn't able to pin one down if there was one about. 

Finally for today, I stopped off near Petworth for another check of the private reservoir, which proved to be an altogether more lively birding destination. As I approached the edge of the reservoir I heard the unmistakable call of Oystercatcher and, sure enough, two appeared from in the basin and flew off eastwards, calling the whole time. Perhaps the pair that have been frequenting Pulborough Brooks recently, but still very cool to see and a long overdue site tick here. As if this wasn't enough, a bit later I picked up an immature Goshawk over the treeline to the south, which proceeded to put on one of the most amazing hunting displays I've ever seen from this species. It was in view pretty much continuously for around ten minutes, during which time it flushed seemingly every Woodpigeon within a couple of miles' radius and made several lunges at a few of them. It even connected with one at one point but the Woodpigeon amazingly seemed to fly away unscathed, aside from a little puff of feathers! Absolutely phenomenal experience.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Late March into Spring

21st March

An initially atmospherically misty start to the day quickly turned into a thick peasouper and put paid to my attempt at a dawn check of Waltham Brooks. I could just about make out 22 Tufted Duck on the lake and there were plenty of Chiffchaffs singing around the place, but otherwise not much to report. 

After dropped B off at nursery I quickly headed up Amberley Mount to see if the top was above the fog, which it was. 20 minutes in glorious sunshine up here proved rewarding with Skylarks in fine voice and my first Wheatear of the year - a female - briefly posing well at Downs Farm before disappearing over the rooftops of the farm buildings. It struck me while I was up here that it's been quite some time since I saw a Little Owl up here, as the cow sheds at the farm used to be a reliable spot for them a year or two ago.

Late afternoon I headed out again after work for a quick sweep of a couple of local sites. First, the scrape at Bignor Park which held the lingering Green Sandpiper, three Little Grebes and two drake Tufted Ducks, the latter a first for me here. The private reservoir at Petworth didn't hold any surprises, just a handful of Gadwall, a Little Grebe and the usual singing Skylarks and Yellowhammers around and about. 

22nd March

An early walk out from home to the river via Thorndale Bridge proved productive with first a singing Blackcap by the railway bridge, followed by a Redshank calling out towards Amberley West: All three of those species new for the year list! Up at Waltham Brooks there were again 22 Tufted Duck on the main lake but little else of note. The biggest surprise came in the form of a softly singing Willow Warbler in the scrub by the lake, equaling my earliest ever record of the species following on from one at Pulborough Brooks on 22nd March 2020. 

Early afternoon I headed out again for an early afternoon check of a few more local sites. The scrape at Bignor Park held the lingering Green Sandpiper and Egyptian Geese pair with their four young. Amazingly, as I scanned the water, the sound of another singing Willow Warbler drifted into my peripheral hearing. I made my way over to where the sound was coming from and found it flitting about in the hedgerow willows. 
Willow Warbler
23rd March

No birding today as I was up in Chelmsford speaking at the Essex Birdwatching Society Conference on the subject of Avian Reintroductions: Past, Present and Future.

24th March

Out at dawn this morning for a full loop of Pulborough Brooks before a busy day of non-birding stuff. It was another cold day, particularly in the brisk north-westerly, but pleasant enough in the sunshine out of the wind. As was the case yesterday, it felt like a good day for large/soaring birds, so I actually had Spoonbill or Common Crane in the back of my mind as I set off round the trail. West Mead and Winpenny hides proved rather quiet, with just two each of Dunlin and Avocet out on the South Brooks (I missed the mini wader-fest here on Friday which included Grey Plover, Golden Plover and Ringed Plover - a great day for Chris and Juliet Moore et al). Moving round to the Hanger and, amazingly, almost the first bird I picked up (after a Great White Egret) was a second year Spoonbill busily feeding on the back pool. It continued feeding very actively up until I left soon after 7:00, even giving a little flight across the pool at one point. Evidently it was refuelling to continue its journey, as it wasn't seen by a number of other birders who visited later in the morning. Also on the North Brooks were my first Little Ringed Plover of the year and at least five more Avocets.
Cetti's Warbler
25th March

I had a work trip down to the New Forest today but managed to squeeze in a very quick look at the Bignor Park scrape before I left, where I found the lingering Green Sandpiper still present along with a couple of Snipe, a single Little Grebe and a Willow Warbler softly singing in the roadside hedge; presumably the same early arriving bird I heard here on Friday. Also singing nearby was a Blackcap, my first for this hotspot.

A couple of hours walking around the Eyeworth Wood and Acres Down areas of the New Forest was great and included my first Hawfinches of the year plus several Firecrests and Marsh Tits. It was fascinating to learn more about the Pine Marten camera trapping project down there, from Marcus Ward from Wild New Forest and Kat Saleiko from Forestry England. 
Eyeworth Pond, New Forest
The scarce Red-belted Bracket fungus in Eyeworth Wood
The obligatory New Forest Pony photo
On the way home I checked a couple of local sites, first up the private reservoir near Petworth which seemed very quiet until I picked up a Little Ringed Plover lurking on the far shore - my first here this year. Next up, I stopped for a look at Waltham Brooks. This seemed even more quiet, with not a hirundine or wader in sight. Four Tufted Duck were on the main lake, as was a nest-building Coot.
Little Ringed Plover
26th March

A loop of Waltham Brooks before work produced 34 species including an immature Peregrine circling overhead before drifting towards Lodge Hill - amazingly only my second record locally this year, not including Pulborough. Other bits of note included eight Tufted Duck on the main lake, at least ten singing Chiffchaffs and a Grey Heron which flew high south-east.
What was presumably the same Peregrine was seen again later in the morning, drifting over the garden. After a pleasant start to the day, the forecast rain eventually arrived around lunchtime and the conditions felt good for dropping some migrants, so expectation was high as I headed out to check a few water bodies in my lunch break. In reality though, it was all a bit of a damp squib. The Egyptian Goose family were still at the scrape at Bignor/Hadworth Farm, while the private reservoir near Petworth held a few more ducks than on recent visits (three Shoveler, two Gadwall, four Tufted Duck) but there were no newly arrived migrants to speak of really. The water meadows at Fittleworth held four Lapwing but not a lot else.
Egyptian Geese
27th March

An early walk from home out to Thorndale Bridge and up the riverbank to Waltham Brooks at dawn. There were plenty of Chiffchaffs and the odd Blackcap about in the first section of the walk, and a male Stonechat was singing quietly at Thorndale Bridge. As I neared the lake at Waltham Brooks I picked up a lone Sand Martin flying towards me, later joined by five others, all busily feeding overhead. Despite the brisk wind, I was also able to pick out the unmistakable song of my first Sedge Warbler of the year singing in the reeds by the lake; my earliest ever arrival date for this species. A Willow Warbler was also sub-singing nearby, with a second bird in sallows near the sewage works. It really is extraordinary how many seemed to have arrived so early this year.
Waltham Brooks
Later in the day I headed back out to check the scrape at Hadworth Farm/Bignor which held the long-staying Green Sandpiper but little else of note. At the private reservoir over near Petworth I was surprised to see a male Shelduck on the far bank with an Egyptian Goose. A long overdue first for me at this site. It didn't stay long after I arrived, before it flew off south-west. Another Willow Warbler here takes my March total so far to at least five different birds at three sites.

28th March

As forecast, today was a mixed bag on the weather front. Although it started relatively calm and dry after overnight rain, it didn't take long for more rain to arrive and the wind to strengthen, reaching gale force by the afternoon. I didn't get out birding early this morning, instead opting to start working relatively early and take advantage of my booked afternoon off by heading out after lunch. The scrape at Bignor was relatively quiet aside from the usual bits, although I did note a Coot on a nest here. At the reservoir near Petworth, it was encouraging to see ten Sand Martins feeding over the choppy waters; my highest count of the species anywhere so far this year. A quick check of the Rother at Fittleworth produced six Little Egrets, and two pairs of Lapwing, one angrily berating a Grey Heron. 
Pied Wagtail
Finally I headed over to Waltham Brooks for a quick check of the main lake. By now the wind was very strong and it was hard to hold my bins steady. Four hirdundines came in from a northwesterly direction which I initially took to be Sand Martins before realising they were all Swallows! They didn't hang around and flew straight through towards Amberley. Immediately after this, all of the ducks on-site suddenly exploded into flight (flushed by a Marsh Harrier I realised a bit later, when it flew off over the trees towards Amberley). I had previously only noticed a handful of Shoveler, Teal, Wigeon and Tufted Duck but soon realised there was in excess of 150 in total. Realising there had to be a chance of a Garganey in among them, I quickly fired off as many photos as I could and, sure enough, when I looked on the camera screen, there were in fact two Garganey - a male and a female - in among the flight of Teal. Fantastic! Despite sticking around a while longer, I never actually saw them again, but did hear the male croaking a couple of times.
Spot the Garganey!
29th March

I was at Pulborough Brooks soon after dawn this morning where I caught up with Paul Davy and Steve Baines. The South Brooks had the bulk of the action, certainly wader-wise, with two Avocet and a single Black-tailed Godwit here among the breeding Lapwing and Redshanks. Three Dunlin were seen in flight but we couldn't locate the lingering Water Pipit seen by Harry Ramm. A pair of Peregrines flew through low. Moving round to the North Brooks where, from the Hanger, we saw the usual selection of dabbling ducks still hanging on, in significantly reduced numbers since my last visit. 2-3 Swallows were feeding among a dozen or so Sand Martins. Around 40 Herring Gulls and a few Common Gulls were gathered on the spit between the two main pools (with at least another 30 Common Gulls drifting overhead). 
30th March

A misty start to the day as the wind shifted to south-easterly overnight. I headed out early for a sweep of some water bodies. The reservoir over at Petworth held a lone Great Crested Grebe, and three Lesser Black-backed Gulls flew high north-east. The mixed singing Willow/Chiff was still present, but otherwise it was a quiet affair here. In fact, the bird of the morning was a Barn Owl which flew low over the road near Bury. The Rother at Fittleworth had fully overtopped again, completely flooding the water meadows, which held little of interest aside from my first Mallard ducklings of the year (one female with eleven in tow!). The scrape at Bignor/Hadworth Farm was still hosting the lingering Green Sandpiper as well as Little Grebe, five Tufted Duck, and multiple Coots (including one sitting on a nest). 

Mid morning we headed down to Arundel to feed the ducks at Swanbourne Lake. Two Shelduck which flew off the water and over towards the WWT were my first here, while other bits of note included at least five Mandarin and a pair of Egyptian Geese with two young. As the day was beginning to warm up, so insects began to become more apparent, including Brimstone and Peacock butterflies seen here. 
Later on, back at home, I headed out for a little walk around the local fields and added Speckled Wood to the year list, with two doing their courtship dancing flight through a garden on River Lane. A check of several of the local fields and paddocks failed to produce any migrants, aside from a couple of singing Blackcaps. Back at home, Blue Tits were busy nest-building in our garden nestbox.         
Lesser Black-backed Gull
31st March

A mixed bag today, taking in various local spots. A return family visit to Swanbourne Lake for a go on one of the rowing boats produced an unexpected local year tick in the form of an adult Great Black-backed Gull chilling towards the northern end of the lake. This species often proves to be a bit of a low key tricky one to find locally, with perhaps 2-3 records most years, so it's always a reassuring one to get on the year list relatively early in the year.
Great Black-backed Gull
Later in the day I checked out some of the other local water bodies. First up, the private reservoir over near Petworth which held a lone Dunlin but was otherwise quiet aside from the Willow/Chiff still singing. The scrape at Bignor Park/Hadworth Farm, meanwhile, produced just a pair of Teal of note.